Consultation on problem solving: methods, techniques for determining the cause and essence of the problem and eliminating them
A consultant is an expert problem solving consultancy for:
financial health
Body disease is:
soul recovery,
strengthening the spirit
expansion of consciousness
disciplining the mental body
Expert consulting allows a person to achieve healing and solve all his problems by protecting the body through identifying and understanding the causes of the manifestation of spiritual, mental, metal problems on the physical plane, in the material world.
For example:
The person feels pain in the elbows / discomfort of the situation.
Usually in this case, the person goes to the doctor (pstkhologu), though not immediately, but when the pain does not allow you to live a normal life, interferes with sleep.
In traditional medicine, there are a number of template recipes for quick relief of pain, such as:
ointments, gels, compresses
operative intervention
Even if the cause of the pain (situation) is trauma, injury or external factors, then after the treatment of the symptoms, as a rule, the injuries and disruptions will recur.
Because they worked on the consequence of some reason invisible at first glance.
The pain (situation) will be repeated until the cause of its manifestation is identified and eliminated.
To paraphrase: the body or the situation will signal the need to solve the inner mental problem until the person is aware of it, and after awareness corrects it.
What could be the cause of pain in the elbow joint (uncomfortable situation)?
The cause of the pain can be varied:
It is possible that the simplest, the calcium-magnesium exchange is disturbed, bile ducts may have clogged blood circulation may be impaired due to diseased blood vessels or poor lymph flow, may be too hard perhaps, if it is a right elbow, then the person systematically does something wrong, or just does something different, sense of guilt and desire for self-punishment, and perhaps several reasons at once and they are not at all those that are listed here The narrow diagnosis can take months or even years, and the reason will not be established, especially if it lies in a child's insult or unconscious desire for revenge.
Expert consulting applies a holistic (holistic) approach to a person and his health in all spheres of life, be it physical or financial health.
Observing the results of people who apply this approach to themselves over the years, I considered it possible and necessary to apply it to myself and my loved ones.
Having received personal results and positive feedback from friends and family, I can recommend this approach to health and our dear clients.
The holistic approach to man sets himself the task: to help remember the essence, to come to the basic state of Joy through unconditional connection and unity with the Absolute, to become a source of energy, a light emitter for practical healing of oneself, situations, people, reality in general.
To teach you to act from a state of abundance, gratitude and unconditional love for yourself, being in a comprehensive present moment of realization space
Spirit + Soul + Body + Experience + Intention + Potential = Integrity
With love Elena Veysa
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