

Rectal suppositories, vaginal anti-inflammatory
Anti-inflammatory suppositories are intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids, prostatitis, thrush, cystitis, endometriosis, endometritis, adnexitis, fibromyomas, myomas, cysts, as well as for complex treatment of the urogenital system, genitals, gastrointestinal tract, immune, respiratory, endocrine, cardiovascular and circulatory systems.
What is the relation of rectal suppositories to the treatment of the respiratory, endocrine, vascular and other systems of the human body? And how do they have oncoprotective effect?

Candles - the household name of suppositories. Suppositories are an effective, painless form of supplying medicinal substances to the human body, both adult and child, in the form of solid gladus of cone-shaped cylinders melting in the human body.
With a simple examination, even a person who does not understand medicine and physiology, it becomes obvious that suppositories are better than tablets and injections. In this way, in order to understand the ordinary consumer, we talk about suppositories or, as they are also called, suppositories, as well as their advantages over pills and injections.

It is enough to imagine what path the tablet takes in order to understand that suppositories are simpler, faster, stronger and safer in action.

First, suppositories deliver a drug not only to the tissues of the organs, but also to the depth of the tissues, where the painful substances syvyazyvayut and bring out.
Secondly, not everyone can swallow a pill. And already from the first step of swallowing, it gives some inconvenience, especially to children and those who have a highly developed gag reflex. Also, people with a shortness of breath, asthma, and special sensitivity to not always glazed tablets can face difficulties.
Thirdly, getting into the stomach and digesting, the tablet loses a large number of important substances, and passing through the filters of the liver even more. In addition, the liver often suffers from pills much more than from alcohol and fatty foods. The kidneys are also not sweet with her (tablet). The kidneys are forced to pass through a great variety of substances, some of which will permanently or even permanently settle in the kidneys.
Unlike tablets, suppositories directly enter the bloodstream through the mucous membranes and are quickly carried by the bloodstream throughout the body, acting locally and extensively on the site of the disease at the same time.
Unlike injections, candles are inserted painlessly and easily, even at home.
Important! We offer phyto candles, that is, suppositories with medicinal substances of plant origin. This means that the therapeutic components of suppositories are healed and treated without harming the liver, kidneys, and other organs. On the contrary, as a rule, they have a general healing effect.

Suppositories are used in:

dermatology and dermatovenerology,

Here you will find:

Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids,
Suppositories for thrush,
Suppositories for prostatitis,
Suppositories for cystitis,
 Adnexitis Suppositories
Anti-inflammatory Suppositories rectal and vaginal. Candle Names:
Cordyceps Suppositories
 Suppositories with Veselka mushroom
Shiitake Suppositories
Reishi Suppositories
Suppositories Castoritel
Chuga Befunol mushroom suppositories
Suppositories with stalonym Gemotel
Eucalyptus Eucatel Suppositories
Suppositories Hlorotel
Suppositories Kverkutel c gall oak extract (anti-inflammatory, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, thrush, prostatitis)
Firthiol cylinders (candles) with plantain (antimicrobial, antiseptic, multivitamin, hemostatic)
Firthiol cylinders (candles) with walnut leaf extract (for quick healing of wounds, relieves pain, swelling, itching, burning)
Firthyol cylinders (candles) with chestnut (venotonic and antithrombotic)
Firthy cylinders (candles), with an extract of celandine (cleansing from various benign and malignant tumors in gynecology, proctology, gastroenterology, as a cleansing liver and bile ducts)
Candles Econika with chamomile (for gastritis, colitis, ulcers)
Candles "Composition antiparasitic" Econika (antiparasitic rectal, vaginal suppositories)
Econica candles with rosemary,
Econica candles with motherwort (heart soothing)
Candles Avicenna with seed extract of oat grass (for the nervous system and slowing the aging process)
Candles Avicenna with celandine (for acne, acne, for myomas, fibroids, warts, papillomas, cysts, various neoplasms, for cleansing the liver, gall, for skin)
Candles Avicenna with propolis (candles against 

prostatitis, adenoma, impotence)
Candles Bifonorm with bifidobacteria (in violation of the composition of microflora),
Candles Lactonorm with lactic acid bacteria (in violation of the composition of microflora),
Candles Lucerne Avicenna (improvement of metabolism, rejuvenation)
Candles with pumpkin oil (candles against prostatitis, impotence)
Phytomax candles + with reaferon (antiviral)
Candles with two phytoraxin in 1 (oak extract + flaraxin = anti-inflammatory, antitumor)
Candles Econika "Composition Activated" (hemostatic, analgesic, antipyretic)
Candles Econika ASD (anticancer, immunomodulatory)
Candles with flaraxin (anticancer)
The efficiency of candles is provided by modern production technologies from natural raw materials at pharmaceutical enterprises of Ukraine.

Vaginal suppositories are used in gynecology and urology, as an inflammatory, anti-fungal, antitumor, antiviral, immunomodulating for problems of the genitourinary system in women.
Rectal candles are used primarily by proctologists and urologists for the treatment of hemorrhoids, anal fissures with bleeding and prostatitis.
Rectal suppositories are increasingly used in general therapy for the prevention and treatment of viral, fungal, parasitic infections, as well as in the comprehensive therapy of benign and malignant tumors in women, men, the elderly and children.

Anti-inflammatory candles, both rectal and vaginal, as well as the advantages of suppositories (candles) before injections, douching, tablets and capsules are described in detail here.
Anti-inflammatory candles (suppositories), their quality, expiration dates, appointments are documented by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

for quick wound healing, elimination of pain, swelling, itching, burning

97,00 ₴

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