Diagnosis of psychosomatic causes of ailments and diseases with recommendations for healing 60 minutes.

Diagnosis of psychosomatic causes of ailments and diseases with recommendations for healing 60 minutes.
This diagnosis will allow you to learn about the causes of the disease or pain that bothers you and understand how to eliminate it.
If you fail to make a diagnosis and many of the treatment measures fail, then psychosomatic analysis is what you need.

Certainly, the symptoms need to be removed by external and internal methods, but if the cause of the occurrence and recurrence of symptoms is not eliminated, they will be repeated and their range of action will expand.

How is the diagnosis of psychosomatic causes of the disease?
Session runs on Skype online
Session duration 60 minutes

During the diagnosis you need to tell:

tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated
where in the body
how do you feel it
when the pain started
what was happening in life at the moment when the pain started
After your answers during the conversation, you will be given a list of possible causes and step-by-step recommendations on how to eliminate these causes in various ways.

In the process, you can and should ask questions if something is incomprehensible to you or if you are worried and disturbed by something.

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What is psychosomatics and how does it work?

Psychosomatic analysis of human health by the holistic method:
Psychosomatics is one of the areas in medicine that deals with the treatment and prevention of somatic diseases, eliminating mental and mental disorders.
Psychosomatics is based on the statement that all bodily (somatic) diseases are the result of:

psycho - emotional states,
sequences of conscious and subconscious choices of a person throughout life,
installations of consciousness and subconsciousness.
One of the main tenets of psychosomatics is the assertion that healing from a disease is possible if it is accepted and aware of the peculiarities of character, intentions, and actions.
The disease is nothing but a manifestation of spiritual, mental, mental, emotional problems of a person in his physical body, material condition, position in society, relations in society, family, determining his condition in the space of realization.

The task of psychosomatic treatment:
Finding a harmonious state of personality in the space of its implementation.

This condition includes all types of health:

and is determined by the self-awareness of oneself as an integral harmoniously developing person.

People call it happiness. This state can also be described as a state when there is enough or when you get everything you want from life and at the same time there is much to strive for.

Human disease is manifested in functional disorders:

In the physical body, it is expressed in bodily diseases.
The mental body is expressed in the inability to make the right decisions, manage the thinking process and achieve goals
In the mental body this is expressed in the inability to rejoice and feel the pleasure from the present moment and to be grateful.
Have the Spiritual body in inability to communicate with God and love
Have an emotionally inability to control and control emotions
In psychosomatics, a person is considered as an integral totality of all bodies.
"Holon" in translation from ancient Greek - integrity.

Hence the concept of the holistic method, which means a holistic approach that combines the material and the spiritual.

A holistic approach to human health sees a person healthy in the unity of soul and body in harmony with the whole world in a comprehensive present moment.

This analysis allows for 99% of the root cause of the disease, and only the person himself can eliminate it.
It remains to find out how a person can eliminate the cause? This is due to the consultation individually for each person.
Before consultation, you can pre-talk with a specialist, ask questions that interest you and after that pay the first paid session

Payment before consultation
As a result of the consultation, you will be asked to complete a course on eliminating the causes of health problems from a qualified health management specialist.

If you find that you do not need further sessions, you can not extend the session.

Initial session from 1 hour.

Method 1: Healing or solving a problem through the selection of exact keywords and phrases for a positive resolution of the situation.

Method 2: Healing through Cleansing with:

Theta Healing Technician
Emotional Freedom Technician
The author's techniques of healing light flux
Balancing Spheres of Life
Block removal
Unloading destructive emotions
Replacing limiting beliefs with constructive
Healing of the inner child, the inner masculine and feminine
Harmonization of relations with the genus
Spontaneous healing practices
Resource acquisition

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